Elizabeth Chapel Bulletin

August 18, 2024                                                    Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Restrooms are located in the Fellowship Hall and downstairs across from the kitchen.

“+” Indicates that you are invited to stand


Prelude                                                                                                             Pianist

Welcome and Announcements                                            

+Call To Worship                                                                    

Leader:    Disciples of Christ, have you come today to receive a good word?

People:    Yes! We come to receive a good word and blessing to carry with us into the world.

Leader:    God blessed Solomon in a dream. Are you ready to dream?

People:    Yes! We come to dream of God’s blessings we will carry with us into the world.

Leader:    God blesses us when we worship together. Are you ready to worship?

People:    Yes! We come to worship God together as we share in the good word of God’s grace.

Leader:    Then, come! Let us worship with rejoicing!

People:    Praise be to God who gives us wisdom and draws us together as the family of God!    Amen


+Opening Prayer (in unison):  

Heavenly Father, as we gather in your presence today, we lift our hearts in gratitude and praise. We thank you for the gift of this church service, a time to come together as a community of faith. We acknowledge your sovereignty and the countless blessings you bestow upon us daily. May our worship be a sweet offering to you, filled with thanksgiving for your unending love and grace. We humbly ask for your presence to guide us throughout this service, and we give thanks for your constant companionship.  Amen.


 Sharing the Love of Christ

+Hymn #301                 “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross”

Moment with Children & Youth                                                                        (Congregation will sing “Jesus Loves Me” as the children gather)

Pennies for Jesus (This goes to purchase items for the Organ Cave Blessing Box and Lending Library.)

Offertory Prayer

Offering                (Giving of Ourselves and Our Gifts to God)

+Doxology            “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” (UMH 95)

                                      Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

                                      Praise Him, all creatures hear below;

                                      Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

                                      Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Praises and Prayer Concerns

Pastoral Prayer

+Hymn #462                    “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”               

Prayer of Illumination: “O God of Grace and Glory, reveal to us the truth of Your Holy Word as we read, proclaim, and meditate upon what you are saying to us today, in Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen!”

Scriptures                                                                      Psalm 111; Galatians 1:3-10

The Message                                  No Other Gospel             Pastor Sharon Howard

The Altar Call

(The Altar is always open. Please feel free at any time to come forward for prayer.)

+Closing Hymn #140            “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”

Benediction:  As you depart from this house of worship, please pass the peace for the love of Christ!!!  (Fist bumps)


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+Standing if physically able

LECTIONARY THIS WEEK:             1 Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14        Psalm 111    

Ephesians 5:15-20                John 6:51-58  


The Nominating Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the church.  Current members of the nominating committee are Steven Queen, Dan Perry, Scott White (2024), Nikki Bennett, Staci Jordan, Robert Rodgers (2025) and Carolyn Rodgers, Ginger Lockhart, Todd Ramboldt (2026).  

Our Back to School Bash will be August 25 at 2 p.m.  Food and Fun for all!  Bring a dessert to share.  The church will be providing everything else.

We will host a barn quilt workshop at the Organ Cave Community Center on November 16 at 9 a.m.  The minimum number of participants is 15, and the maximum is 24.  The cost of the class is $35-$150, depending on the size you wish to make.  See Deanna for more information or to let her know that you will be participating. 


Worship Attendance:  18     Sunday School: 3      Worship Offering: $1,080.00  


Today             9:15am           Worship

Thursday       6:30pm           Yoga at Trinity


Birthdays this coming week:

August 18-John Altizer, Kevin Simmons, Lane Winebrimmer, Nicholas Waid

August 19-Jaxon Dolan-White; Brian Rodgers

August 20-Eliana Bennett

August 21-Leif Olson, Samuel White

August 22-Ashley Hudson

August 23-Beth Brooks, Jessie McNeely

August 24-Katie Barnes, Jacob Estep, Christian Geiser

Anniversaries this coming week:



Elizabeth Chapel’s Prayer List

Hunter Queen            Sharon Boswell          Oretha Morgan         Aimee Baker 

Katie McNeely           Danny Long                Missy Burdette

(**Please note that a name will stay on for 3 weeks so if there is someone that needs to remain on the list or someone to add please call the church office-304-647-4504.)

The Seasons Place:  Becky Longanacre

Seneca Trails Healthcare Center (Greenbrier Manor):  Henry Hanson, Peggy Mills, Rose Gragg                                         

Allegheny Health & Rehab:  Joanne Cohernour   

Autumn Way-Rupert:  Carol Creasman




Pastor’s email:     stretchwife@yahoo.com oo.com