Elizabeth Chapel Bulletin

November 17, 2024                                        Twenty-sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Restrooms are located in the Fellowship Hall and downstairs across from the kitchen.



“+” Indicates that you are invited to stand


Prelude                                                                                                             Pianist

Welcome and Announcements                                         

+Call To Worship                                                                    

Leader:  Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures


People: Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures for


Leader:  Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever.
People:  Give thanks to the Lord!    


+Opening Prayer (in unison):  

O God who loves us, hear our prayer. So often we come to you at a loss – at a loss for the right words, the right deeds, the right feelings. We know all is not right, but we cannot say with certainty what is wrong. There are deep divisions between us and others. There are too many who live in poverty and fear. There are too many horrific stories, and not enough hopeful ones. So we pray to you, our Creator and Redeemer, to make things right, and to make us right with you and each other. Turn us around from that which destroys toward that which heals and brings joy.  AMEN

Sharing the Love of Christ

+Hymn #504                          “Old Rugged Cross”

Moment with Children & Youth                                                                       (Congregation will sing “Jesus Loves Me” as the children gather)

Pennies for Jesus (This goes to purchase items for the Organ Cave Blessing Box and Lending Library.)

Offertory Prayer

Offering                (Giving of Ourselves and Our Gifts to God)

+Doxology            “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” (UMH 95)

                                      Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

                                      Praise Him, all creatures hear below;

                                      Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

                                      Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Praises and Prayer Concerns

Pastoral Prayer

+Hymn 703                        “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”

Prayer of Illumination: “O God of Grace and Glory, reveal to us the truth of Your Holy Word as we read, proclaim, and meditate upon what you are saying to us today, in Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen!”

Scriptures                                    Psalm 18:1-3; Mark 13:1-8

The Message                           Is the Pain Worth It?              Pastor Sharon Howard

The Altar Call 

(The Altar is always open. Please feel free at any time to come forward for prayer.)

+Closing Hymn #706            “Soon and Very Soon”

Benediction:  As you depart from this house of worship, please pass the peace for the love of Christ!!!  (Fist bumps)


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+Standing if physically able



LECTIONARY THIS WEEK:             1 Samuel 1:4-20                                1 Samuel 2:1-10

Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25  Mark 13:1-8  


The Ronceverte Ministerial Association’s Annual Community Thanksgiving Service will be om Sunday, November 24, 7pm at St. Catherine’s of Sienna.  The speaker will be announced soon.

The last date for Christmas Candle Memorials and Honorariums is December 4th.  See the form on our bulletin insert.

Beginning December 1, please bring children’s toys for our annual Christmas giveaway.  We will have a donation box in the fellowship hall.  

December 1 – Hanging of the Greens – decorating of the church during the regular 9:15 a.m. service.  This will be a program including the children decorating the tree and the explanation of Chrismons.  A soup and sandwich lunch will follow.  A sign up sheet is available in the fellowship hall.

The Ronceverte Ministerial Association’s Christmas in Ronceverte will be Monday, December 2 from 5:00-7:00pm on the lawn of Ronceverte Presbyterian Church, prior to the Christmas Parade.  Santa will be there to visit with all the children and get their picture taken with him.  There will be free chili with fixin’s, hot chocolate and cookies, and bottled water.  We’ll have a Christmas prayer.  It’s a great community time of fellowship and food.  Sign up sheet for items needed is in Fellowship Hall.

We are trying something new this year.  On December 15 we will have our Children’s Program and Holiday Lunch at 10 a.m. – Details to follow.

We will have our special Candlelight Service with Communion on December 24 – 6 p.m.  Bring your family and friends to this beautiful service.

Advent begins December 1 and continues through December 24.  We will have readings and lighting of the Advent candles on December 1, 8, 15 and 22.  Anyone who would like to do a reading, please let Pastor Sharon know.

The next packing for layette and patient care packs will be tomorrow, November 18, 6pm at Organ Cave Community Center.  Lots of hands needed.



Worship Attendance: 49 (34 adults)  Sunday School: 15

Worship Offering: $784.00

September Pennies for Jesus: $142.42   October Pennies for Jesus: $119.24



Today             9:15am           Worship

Monday         6:00pm           Layette & Care Packs Packing at OCCC

Wednesday   6:30pm           Bible Study at Elizabeth Chapel

Thursday       6:30pm           Yoga at Trinity


Elizabeth Chapel’s Prayer List

Rose Dobbins            Dan Perry                   Sharon Boswell

Oretha Morgan         Katie McNeely           Danny Long               

(**Please note that a name will stay on for 3 weeks so if there is someone that needs to remain on the list or someone to add please call the church office-304-647-4504.)

The Seasons Place:  Becky Longanacre     

Seneca Trails Healthcare Center (Greenbrier Manor):  Henry Hanson, Peggy Mills, Rose Gragg                                             

Allegheny Health & Rehab:  Joanne Cohernour   

Autumn Way-Rupert:  Carol Creasman



Birthdays this coming week:

November 17-Jane Bobbit Hill

November 19-Desiree Phillips, Gary Cochran, Becky Smith

November 20-Lydia Louise Bills

Pastor’s email:     stretchwife@yahoo.com oo.com 

November 22-Abby Morgan McCutcheon

November 23-Abby Bedard, Amy Bedard



November 19-Randy and Teresa Broyles

November 20-Alex & Desiree Phillips



We will be lighting the area around Trinity and Elizabeth Chapel using the theme: “Shine For Christmas” Light In Our Community.  Each light will be carefully prepared and placed around the church building.  Cost per light will be $20.  You can place a specially crafted solar candle in memory of or honor of someone special.  The candles will be placed outside on Friday, December 13, and remain out through New Year’s Day.  After New Year’s Day you may take your candle if you wish or you can leave it to be donated back to the church to be enjoyed next year.  The more candles we have the brighter it will be.  Trinity candle donations will go to Trinity’s Building Fund to help with loan payments and Elizabeth Chapel candle donations will go to Elizabeth Chapel’s building fund. Simply fill out and detach the form below marking which church where the candle will be placed, who it is in memory of or honor of, who is purchasing it and total amount of the check enclosed.  Then mail it to the church office at 373 Pocahontas Avenue, Ronceverte WV  24970 or drop the form and money in the offering plate by no later than Wednesday, December 4.  We will have a page on our website that lists all memorials and honorariums (www.GodIsGoodAlltheTime.info), we will include in the RC Blast, include it in the bulletin and there will also be a complete list in the next issue of the Ecclesiagram. These lights always bring great joy to those in our churches and all who see them on their way by.


Name of Donor:__________________________Phone:_________________

Church the candle is for:  _____________Elizabeth Chapel



Candle is donated:  _____ X $20 in honor of__________________________

                                     _____X $20 in memory of_______________________

                                     ____X $20 for the glory of God


After New Year’s Day:

                                    __________Please leave candle for the church for next year

                                    __________I will pick up the candle

                                                            Total Amount Enclosed:$______________