Trinity Worship Bulletin


November 17, 2024

Twenty-sixth Sunday After Pentecost                                                  

PRELUDE                                                                                                   Pianist


*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                        Responsive

  O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come.

  Our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home.

  Under the shadow of thy throne, still may we dwell secure.

  Sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defense is sure.

  O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come.

  Be thou our guide while life shall last, and our eternal home. 

*HYMN                              “Nothing but the Blood”                                No. 362

OPENING PRAYER                                                                                  Unison

  Almighty God, we worship you because you are the source of our hope

  and strength. When things seem dreary or uncertain, you are there to lift

  us up and point us to things that are joyful and sure. We are here today to

  receive what word you have for us. Speak, Lord, for we are listening. 

  Inspire us to greater heights today than yesterday. We believe you are the

  one to give us vision.  Amen. 

*GOSPEL READING                                                                        Mark 13:1-8

*GLORY BE TO THE FATHER                                                                No. 70

JOYS AND CONCERNS                                                                            By All


TIME FOR CHILDREN                                                                             By All


  Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to him

  belong, they are weak, but He is strong.  Yes, Jesus loves me; yes, Jesus

  loves me; yes, Jesus loves me.  The Bible tells me so.  

OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS AND LIVES                                                By All

OFFERTORY                                                                                              Pianist

*DOXOLOGY                                                                                             No. 95 

DEDICATION OF GIFTS                                                                          By All

*HYMN                              “Near to the Heart of God”                            No. 472

EPISTLE READING                                                     Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25  

SERMON                             “What Keeps Us Going”                          Dr. Geiger

*AFFIRMING OUR FAITH                                                                     No. 883       

               A Statement of Faith of the United Church of Canada

*HYMN                                   “The Servant Song”                                No. 2222

*Blessing and Sending Forth

*POSTLUDE                                                                                               Pianist

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

*Indicates standing if physically able

Power Point Operator-Bren Pittsenbarger

Opportunities and Announcements

Thank you to everyone that signed up to write a devotional or two.  The latest to submit your devotional(s) is today.  Please get them to us as soon as possible.      

A BIG thank you to Carmen Phillips and Nancy Hodges for the delicious refreshments after church last Sunday!  Everyone so enjoyed the food and fellowship!

The Ronceverte Ministerial Association’s Community Thanksgiving Service will be Sunday, November 24, 7pm at St. Catherine’s of Sienna, located at the corner of Walnut Street and Greenbrier Avenue.  The speaker will be announced soon.

We will be hanging the greens on Monday, November 25, at 6pm. 

The Ronceverte Ministerial Association’s Christmas in Ronceverte will be Monday, December 2, from 5:00-7:00pm on the lawn of Ronceverte Presbyterian Church, prior to the Christmas Parade.  Santa will be there to visit with all the children and get their picture taken with him.  There will be free chili with fixin’s, hot chocolate and cookies, and bottled water.  We’ll have a Christmas prayer around the beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas lights.  It’s a great community time of fellowship and food. 


Attendance Last Week: 42                          Sunday School:  5              Children’s SS:  3

Giving Last Week: $1,152.00                    Building Fund:  $145.00  

Apportionments:  $400.00                          Bld Fd in Memory of Linda Smith:$275.00


Today             9:30am           Adult Sunday School

11:00am         Worship

Thursday       6:30pm           Yoga at Trinity

Trinity’s Prayer List  

Dr. John Tomlinson  Henry Hanson           Cy Gum                      Linda Porterfield

Family of Jerry Brown (Ben Routson’s brother-in-law)              

Family of Loretta Richmond                       Missy Burdette          Family of Linda Smith       Karen Davis                       Barry Morgan            Stacie Austin             Keri Galford  

Pearl White               Unspoken requests

Jeanie Holley             Terry Steele               Joey Griffith               Katie McNeely

Matthew Osborne   Rocky White              Drew Browski            Danny Long   

(**Please note that a name will stay on for 3 weeks so if there is someone that needs to remain on the list or someone to add please call the church office.) 

The Seasons Place: Becky Longanacre   Autumn Way-Rupert: Carol Creasman

Seneca Trails Healthcare Center (Greenbrier Manor): Henry Hanson, Peggy Mills, Rose Gragg             

Allegheny Health & Rehab: Joanne Cohernour 

Birthdays this coming week:

November 17-Jane Bobbit Hill

November 19-Desiree Phillips, Gary Cochran, Becky Smith

November 20-Lydia Louise Bills

November 22-Abby Morgan McCutcheon

November 23-Abby Bedard, Amy Bedard


November 19-Randy and Teresa Broyles

November 20-Alex & Desiree Phillips


We will be lighting the area around Trinity and Elizabeth Chapel using the theme: “Shine For Christmas” Light In Our Community.  Each light will be carefully prepared and placed around the church building.  Cost per light will be $20.  You can place a specially crafted solar candle in memory of or honor of someone special.  The candles will be placed outside on Friday, December 13, and remain out through New Year’s Day.  After New Year’s Day you may take your candle if you wish or you can leave it to be donated back to the church to be enjoyed next year.  The more candles we have the brighter it will be.  Trinity candle donations will go to Trinity’s Building Fund to help with loan payments and Elizabeth Chapel candle donations will go to Elizabeth Chapel’s building fund. Simply fill out and detach the form below marking which church where the candle will be placed, who it is in memory of or honor of, who is purchasing it and total amount of the check enclosed.  Then mail it to the church office at 373 Pocahontas Avenue, Ronceverte WV  24970 or drop the form and money in the offering plate by no later than Wednesday, December 4.  We will have a page on our website that lists all memorials and honorariums (, we will include in the RC Blast, include it in the bulletin and there will also be a complete list in the next issue of the Ecclesiagram. These lights always bring great joy to those in our churches and all who see them on their way by.

Name of Donor:__________________________Phone:_________________

Church the candle is for:  _____________Elizabeth Chapel


Candle is donated:  _____ X $20 in honor of__________________________

                                     _____X $20 in memory of_______________________

                                     ____X $20 for the glory of God

After New Year’s Day:

                                    __________Please leave candle for the church for next year

                                    __________I will pick up the candle

                                                            Total Amount Enclosed:$______________